Monday, November 08, 2004

Learning and Growing

Though I feel saddened when the sun finishes setting and the Northern Lights fade away, I remember them... will not forget them... will store them away to view in my mind later... and will allow it to fade as all life on earth does. I can be content with this, knowing that I can look forward with ever-growing urgency, to see the radiancy of the glory of my Father in heaven, wherein all else pales to bleached white snow in comparison to his majesty.

1 comment:

undoubtably_me said...

Hey Mich! It's Jo...

How are ya? I was just scrolling through blogs and I found yours... I have to agree with Sarah - you are in the perfect course for you, I think. You just have this way with words that describes things so eloquently.

Take care, and have a blessed holiday season! Maybe we can get together with the Cedar Point group for some socializing some time during the holidays, eh? We'll see...

Oh! If you want to check out my blog, it's at And the happiness email survey is now online too -->

That's all for now, I think. Hugz, and prayers, to you!

~ Jo