Friday, September 08, 2006

What Wondrous Love Is This...

My friend is getting married tomorrow and my thoughts flowed out through my hands as such...

... the big day is only one night away. You probably won't get this message until after the honeymoon, but that's okay. I'm so, so, so happy for you. I know that you have been waiting for a long time for this day to come. And it finally has. You get to walk down that aisle and move on to a life with a husband instead of a father. What that must be like. I know that you will always have your family, but now it will be your husband that you seek to please, after your heavenly Father. Rather than mom and dad. I'm joyous for you. I can't wait to see you in that beautiful dress, moving down the path to your future, as God has planned it. Isn't He a wonderful God. He has amazing plans for all of our lives. Sometimes it is hard to see that. Sometimes... like when we're annoyed with our parents... or... we can't seem to make the grades we were hoping for... or... we can't seem to find a job in the time that we have allotted for it... or... we are in an insane amount of pain but we feel like a wimp when we mention it... or even just that we don't feel close to God... or... like me, we don't understand why God would give us such an incredible love for someone, only to pull them away after the blessing of their company for such a short time. I'm so thankful that God has a plan despite these upsets and pains and lingering hurting souls. Despite my own pain of late, I feel God's Hands working the playdoh of my life (do I dare even call it clay) to mold me into the woman of God that He is calling me to be. I cry out against Him at times, begging Him to bring my world back into focus, but then He reminds me that when my world is in focus, I forget that I need Him, and I go back to planning the way I want my life to run. Oh God. I need you. I love you. Hold me and comfort my longing heart. Heal me my Father. Teach me the wisdom of the path I dare not tread alone. Guide my wandering heart and bring it back to you. Love me as only You can truly love me. As only You can love me with the perfect love of a perfect Creator for His imperfect children.